Euroautomations is committed to improving the working environment, professional development, people’s well-being and their safety. He dedicates his research to the environment in terms of protection of primary resources and energy saving. Investments in research and development have led Euroautomations to create highly technological proprietary solutions, mainly in the world of water and transport.
Founded in 1999, Euroautomations was born as a niche reality in the world of electronics applied to automation and remote control.
The systems created by Euroautomations operate in the field of water saving, making it possible to identify any water leaks and therefore to activate water consumption optimization policies. All for the benefit of future generations, so that they can find an environment rich in resources like the one we have found. The company integrates the workforce with specific figures for each area and develops close commercial agreements with important partner companies. Two important collaborators, among the major top scientific research institutes in Italy, are the Bruno Kessler Foundation, with which it shares an innovative vision for the artificial intelligence of the future, and the Edmund Mach Foundation, the first Italian one health research center, which deals with agriculture, food and the environment to improve the quality of life and the territory that hosts it.
The easy-to-manage technology moves the activity from manual, repetitive and tiring work, as well as typically in a hostile environment and therefore sometimes not without dangers, to managerial tasks, which value people and make their work easier, safer and rewarding.
Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the standard for quality management systems UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, valid for the design, production, installation and assistance of electrical/electronic plants and systems for the management and automation of wire-railway systems.
Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the standard for environmental management systems UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, valid for the design, production, installation and assistance of electrical/electronic plants and systems for the management and automation of wire-railway systems.
SOA certification, certificate that proves the economic and technical capacity of the company to qualify for participation in tenders for the execution of public contracts.

Online support
Online support service where you can find direct support for the most recurring system management issues. The internal staff is prepared to respond to all requests.
Specially trained technicians and operators who provide remote support for remote assistance of software and automation products and in the field for routine maintenance of the system.
With the aim of maximizing the investment made by our customers and limiting plant downtime, we guarantee the prompt supply of all electrical spare parts over time. Euroautomations has a large spare parts warehouse to promptly respond to any emergencies or maintenance. The Euroautomations assistance procedure provides for the repair of the boards with the sole replacement of the individual faulty components.
This guarantees the customer substantial cost savings and generally a lower impact on the environment.
via Matteotti, 3/B
38065 Mori(TN) – ITALY
p.iva e c.f. 01649280227
phone +39 0464 486257
via Matteotti, 3/B
38065 Mori(TN) – ITALY
p.iva e c.f. 01649280227
tel. +39 0464 486257
Autostrada A22 Modena-Brennero:
uscita Rovereto Sud/Lago di Garda (distanza casello-sede: 6 Km)
Stazione ferroviaria di Rovereto (Linea del Brennero) dalla stazione è possibile usufruire del servizio taxi (distanza stazione-sede: 850m)
Aeroporto “Valerio Catullo” di Verona Villafranca (distanza Aeroporto-sede: 70 km)